The digitalisation of the healthcare system in Germany is picking up speed. With the introduction of telematics infrastructure and the integration of care, a new era in healthcare communication is beginning. Telematics connects doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, care facilities and cost bearers.
The intelligent integration of technology in care benefits everyone: it can improve the quality of care and quality of life of those in need of care, while at the same time freeing care staff from labour-intensive administrative processes. In addition, telematics offers the opportunity to facilitate access to medical care, e.g. through the integration of telemedical applications. For care facilities, TI therefore opens the door to up-to-date care.
The term telematics (a combination of the words "telecommunication" and "informatics") describes the direct linking of different IT systems. The aim is a secure, encrypted exchange of information from different sources.
TI is a secure, closed network for the digital exchange of health-related data. Through TI, players in the healthcare system are networked with each other, thus creating the basis for a cross-institutional exchange of data and information on patients. The issue of security plays a major role here. There are numerous data protection and information security requirements for TI applications.
TI makes medical care for patients safer, better, more efficient and more transparent. This benefits not only the patients themselves, but also service providers and cost bearers. The digitalisation of the healthcare system in Germany is progressing rapidly. Insured persons' master data of has been stored on electronic health cards (eGK) for some time now. Other data, such as emergency or medication data, can also be stored there. What's more, the electronic patient file (ePA) has been mandatory in Germany since 2021. Communication in Medicine (KIM) will soon be able to ensure the exchange of reports, invoices or X-ray images. Paper copies of doctor's letters will become a thing of the past. And since January 2022, e-prescription (electronic prescription) has been mandatory, replacing the previous procedure of using a printed form. All of these applications will be connected by TI. This means that medical information required for the treatment of patients can be exchanged quickly, easily and securely. This improves the quality and efficiency of medical care, leads to greater patient satisfaction and reduces the burden on cost bearers.
Online verification of insured persons master data
Emergency data stored on the insurance card
Medication data stored on the insurance card
Electronic patient files
Electronic prescriptions
Secure communication within the TI
Which stakeholders in the healthcare sector in Germany are already connected to the TI? Doctors in private practice, dentists, hospitals and pharmacies are already almost fully connected. The future dimension of TI is immense. The next step will be to connect care facilities, midwives, preventive and rehabilitation facilities and other therapeutic specialities in the healthcare sector to the TII
Yes, according to the DVPMG, outpatient care facilities are obliged to connect to TI by 1 January 2024 and inpatient care facilities by 1 July 2024. This timeframe is specified by the Digital Care and Nursing Modernisation Act (DVPMG). A pilot programme is currently underway in Germany in which care facilities are participating voluntarily. The aim is to test TI on a scientific basis and to establish uniform principles and standards.
gematik (Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen), which was founded in 2005 on behalf of the legislator, is responsible for setting up, operating and further developing the TI. The main shareholders of gematik are the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and other organisations in the healthcare sector such as the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV SV). gematik is responsible for the following tasks:
The premise for the benefits of TI is that the IT systems involved must be able to understand and exchange information. myneva has always developed future-oriented software that provides a wide range of interfaces for connections of all kinds.
Yes – and on several levels. On the one hand through our location in Austria, where TI is already more advanced, and on the other hand through our involvement with customers in the current pilot project for TI in Germany, where we are constantly gathering practical experience. myneva is the only market participant in the field of software for the social services sector that is already positioned on a European level and can therefore use the "best practice" principle – with the necessary country adaptations. More and more sectors are gradually being connected. This is the current situation in Austria:
The eHBA is a personal chip card in credit card format for the personal authentication of healthcare professionals. You use the eHBA to identify yourself electronically. Healthcare teams must have access to telematics devices (TI) on a patient basis. This access can be granted via a corresponding card reader with an electronic health professional card (eHBA) and a type B security module card (SMC-B). These two diagnostic tools are used in accordance with the highest standards of patient data protection. In addition to access to patient data, the eHBA also enables digital signatures, the qualified electronic signature (QeS). This allows documents to be signed digitally in a legally binding manner.
Three steps to the eHAB:
1. Registrieren Register yourself in the NRW service portal, which is run by the electronic health professional register (eGBR)
2. Request Input your data on the application page in the NRW service portal, upload your professional certificate and select your desired VDA. The eGBR will check your application and send you an email with your process number.
3. Order Visit the page of your selected VDA and order your eHBA, citing your process number.
A) Register in the NRW service portal and create an account there. You can access the service portal here.
B) Currently, healthcare professionals from a total of 14 federal states can already apply for the eHBA. Only Thuringia and Brandenburg are still exceptions. The district government of Münster (NRW) handles the application for various federal states. You can find out more about this here.
C) You can choose your VDA freely from the following authorized companies: D-Trust GmbH/Ein Unternehmen der Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems medisign GmbH
D) The costs for the eHBA are reimbursable. Information and current financing agreements for individual professional groups and institutions can be found on the GKV information page and its application page.
E) Further information can be found in the FAQs of our partner akquinet.
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