Vereinbaren Sie jetzt einen kostenlosen und unverbindlichen Termin zur Präsentation der myneva.heimbas -Software
For over 50 years, myneva.heimbas has been in all inpatient, outpatient and day-care areas of the elderly care. In addition to our many years of experience in the social sector, the feedback from countless customers has been incorporated into the development. myneva.heimbas is one thing above all: 100% practice-oriented. Software made in Germany.
Myneva.heimbas is a complete solution for seamless administration, billing, documentation, personnel planning, financial accounting and detailed reporting - all in one system.
"The software integrates various modules via a centralized database for optimized processes and greater efficiency."
Start flexibly: Our modular software allows you to start small and grow with your requirements, without any financial or temporal disadvantages.
Our software integrates telematics seamlessly: efficient care processes through advanced technology and smooth interaction between all players in the healthcare system
The software is open to the connection of cooperation partners and creates added value for customers through expanded functions and joint innovation.
Managing Director, Johannes Brenz Altenpflege gGmbH
“We were already ready for the connection to the telematics infrastructure in 2022 with myneva.”
Deputy Managing Director and Head of Administration of Lambertus gemeinnützige GmbH
“Service and customizing often suffer with larger companies, but not so with myneva. myneva's employees come from the field and help quickly, very competently and service-oriented.
As efficient and professional as you: The myneva.heimbas "Care service" software package helps with everything from administration to deployment overviews and billing through to the web app for carers.
myneva.heimbas outpatient care allows you to maintain the high quality of your outpatient care services while working in a more time-efficient manner. From administration to deployment and itinerary planning through to completion of the itinerary plan, documentation, control and billing. The app offerings for relatives and employees can also be optionally expanded.
Here, myneva.heimbas offers you various functions that make it easier for you to manage tenants and also settle rental agreements. If required, you can also add additional service modules that can be used to manage and bill for services and meals on wheels.
Structure your day care individually, yet economically, with myneva.heimbas. With administration and billing, as well as duty scheduling and care documentation.
Benefit from smooth workflows for your inpatient care: The basic administration module can be supplemented by numerous additional modules, such as duty scheduling and care documentation. Financial accounting and quality management are also available as optional extra modules.
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