myneva user reports and customer references from the care sector

Numerous care services, consulting agencies and other social institutions use myneva's practice-oriented solutions to reduce the workload across all areas, from documentation to planning and billing. Read for yourself how myneva software is revolutionising the care sector.

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Our references

With over 300 myneva employees, we are delighted to be able to simplify the daily care and support of over 3,900 customers and around 1,5 million clients in Europe. Here are some myneva user reports on how we are supporting our customers with our innovative software.

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"Innovation, digitalisation and friendliness – how Lambertus is overcoming the shortage of skills!"

How Lambertus non-profit LLC is using myneva software to ensure an optimal care environment for all clients.

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"By 2022 we were already ready for the connection to TI with myneva."

Markus Harter, Managing Director of Johannes Brenz Altenpflege gGmbH, explains how he pioneered digital telematics infrastructure with myneva.


"As innovative as we are – for the benefit of our residents."

Peek over the shoulder of CURA Seniorenwohn- und Pflegeheime Dienstleistungs GmbH for a look at digital documentation with myneva solutions.

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myneva is digitising care and social services

Does your care facility or advice centre face similar challenges as our customers?

Are you looking for new ideas? Get in touch for a non-binding conversation about how myneva can support you.