Data sovereignty in the age of digital care – a tale of two realities

Werner Hoellrigl, Board Member myneva Group

Data Sovereignty

As myneva, we are at the forefront of a transformative era in healthcare. As we move towards digitalisation, the paramount importance of data sovereignty becomes clear - a beacon to guide us through the complexities of modern healthcare. This statement contrasts with the current cautionary tales and illustrates the central role of data sovereignty, privacy and resilience in shaping a future where digital care is both innovative and secure.

Data sovereignty describes the control and self-determination over the collection, processing and use of data. This applies to individuals as well as organisations and states. The basic idea is that those who generate data or whose data is collected should have the right to decide how this data is used. 


Success in action: The empowered hospital 

myneva_empowered_hospitalOur journey begins with an example of success: a hospital that has reached digital maturity and is an example of the positive effects of data sovereignty. Here, electronic health records navigate securely through digital worlds, are accessible at the point of care and yet are subject to strict data sovereignty principles. This system, which demonstrates the potential of digital healthcare, ensures data protection and the retention of sensitive information within national borders and within a robust legal framework. It is a shining example of digital healthcare that respects patients' rights and ensures the resilience of data against cyber threats. 


A cautionary tale: vulnerability in social care 

myneva_social_care_programme_in_a_busy_metropolis.In stark contrast, we see a well-intentioned social care programme in a busy metropolis. A rush to digitise without proper attention to data management led to scattered data and exposure to data breaches. The consequences?

The public's trust was shaken and they were reminded of the value of data in healthcare - not just information, but a part of a person's life story. This scenario emphasises the critical importance of data sovereignty and the risks associated with neglecting it. 


The myneva difference: Sovereignty by design 

At myneva, we are characterised by our unwavering commitment to data sovereignty. Our platforms are designed to keep all data within legal boundaries that comply with individual privacy laws and regulations. Recognising that data protection is not just a legal requirement but an agreement with our users, we design our systems to be resilient to cyber threats and ensure continuity of care even in the most challenging digital environments. 

Thinking about sovereignty in digitalisation 

myneva's journey is characterised by proactive strategies and ethical handling of health data. We prioritise client trust and set new standards in the digital healthcare revolution. In our vision for digital healthcare, sovereignty, data protection and resilience are not just characteristics, but fundamental rights. 


The way forward  

In the course of the digital transformation of healthcare, we are confronted with challenges and risks related to data sovereignty. Enforcing data sovereignty and dealing with different regulations in different countries is a major challenge, but also offers opportunities for innovation and global collaboration in the advancement of medical research and treatment. 

Commitment to the future 

As we continue to innovate and lead, we invite the healthcare community to join the discussion on the future of data sovereignty. Your insights are invaluable if we are to shape a safe, respectful and innovative future. 

To summarise, the pursuit of data sovereignty in healthcare is a delicate balance between using data for innovation and respecting individual rights to privacy and control. By championing data sovereignty, privacy and resilience, we are navigating the digital age with confidence, always prioritising the trust and security that is fundamental to client and patient care.  

Join us on this journey and ensure that the digitalisation of healthcare remains and becomes a force for good, with sovereignty as our common guiding principle. 

board_werner_hoellrigl_myneva_cropWerner Hoellrigl is a Board Member of the myneva Group, responsible for Technology and Roadmap Strategies, and a valued member of the Technology Advisory Board of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. With over a decade of experience in cloud computing and enterprise software, Werner has played an instrumental role at Oracle and other companies. Through social media and at conferences, especially within the public sector and healthcare, he shares deep insights into cloud technology, digital transformation, and the importance of secure and sovereign cloud infrastructures.

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