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Medication management in care facilities: effective processes for better care

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Published: 16.05.2024

Ensuring proper medication management is critical for individuals receiving care, as their well-being depends on consistent and accurate medication administration. Misuse of pills, ointments, infusions, or injections can not only undermine their effectiveness, but also pose significant risks to the health of those in need. Therefore, careful medication management in healthcare facilities is of paramount importance to ensure the health and safety of clients.

myneva has summarized crucial aspects of medication management in the care process and shows why you should address these challenges. Once efficient processes for medication management and electronic prescriptions are in place, clients, caregivers and facilities will reap numerous benefits.

Medication management in care – expensive, time-consuming, and confusing?

Residents of a Swiss nursing home receive an average of 9.3 medications at the same time each day. The situation is similar in many European countries. A large number of prescriptions means complex medication management for care institutions when it comes to regulating the process of managing, monitoring and administering medications. This includes important tasks such as ensuring correct dosing, adherence to dosing instructions, mitigating potential drug interactions, and reordering in a timely manner. The process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Prescription: Physicians prescribe medications tailored to individuals in need of care.

  2. Medication procurement: : The care facility procures the necessary  medications from pharmacies or other suppliers in accordance with the physician's prescription.

  3. Dispensing of medication: Medications are dispensed and administered by trained nursing staff in accordance with the physician's orders.

  4. Documentation: Each medication administered is meticulously recorded, including name, dosage, time of administration, and any observed reactions or side effects.

  5. Monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment: Nursing staff continuously monitor clients for possible side effects or adverse reactions. Medication plans are reviewed regularly and adjusted as necessary when new medical recommendations become available.

  6. Involvement of relatives and people in need of care: Nursing staff educate clients and their families about medications, proper use, potential side effects, and other important information. They foster an environment where questions are welcomed and active participation in medication management is encouraged.

Effective medication management is essential:

  • Ensure the safety of clients.
  • Minimize adverse drug reactions.
  • Ensure treatment effectiveness.

However, many healthcare organizations struggle with medication management due to a number of challenges, of which the specific issue of e-prescribing is just one.  

Lack of compliance with electronic prescriptions 

Electronic prescriptions, also known as e-prescriptions, are digital prescriptions that are exchanged electronically between physicians' offices, pharmacies, and individuals. Compared to traditional paper prescriptions, e-prescriptions offer several advantages: convenience, efficiency, and security. Indeed, e-prescribing is a promising innovation that could revolutionize medication management and improve the quality of care for clients. However, there's still the problem of lack of compliance.

Although e-prescribing is growing rapidly, it is not yet widely accepted. There are several reasons for this resistance, according to a study of pharmacies. Some want to stick with the status quo and don't want to change the way they work. Others struggle with the technical requirements or simply have not been trained to handle e-prescriptions.

Medication errors

In a 2020 study of outpatient care services conducted by the ZQP, one-third of the approximately 500 care service managers surveyed reported that their service had made medication errors in the past six months. This shows that medication errors are widespread and not just isolated incidents. 

This is due to complex medication regimens with many difficult-to-manage medications. Poor communication between providers, inadequate training of caregivers, and poor monitoring and documentation of medication administration further exacerbate the problem. In addition, the high prevalence of age-related diseases in the population adds another layer of complexity to medication management, increasing the likelihood of errors.

Complex  medication management processes

Complex medication management processes are an obstacle to the efficiency and quality of client care in healthcare facilities. These processes resemble a maze of manual documentation, complex medication administration, and laborious coordination with pharmacies. Nursing staff must navigate a myriad of regulations and protocols, all while attending to the needs of the people in their care. These demands are incredibly time- and resource-consuming, taking time away from direct, compassionate interaction with their clients.

Streamline medication management in care facilities: improving safety, efficiency and quality of care

Many of the aforementioned challenges in medication management can be solved by using modern technologies such as myneva's software. This offers a number of benefits that have a direct impact on client care. For example, the safety of clients is significantly increased: less manual intervention reduces the risk of human error and thus minimizes the risk of medication errors.

What's more, software-optimized medication processes enable more efficient medication administration and monitoring. They simplify time-consuming tasks such as manual documentation and coordination with pharmacies, allowing caregivers to spend more time providing direct client care. 

E-prescribing enables seamless integration with electronic medication management systems such as myneva software. Nursing staff can manage, prescribe and monitor medications electronically, making medication management even more efficient and further reducing error-prone manual processes. 

You can improve the overall quality of care in your facility with digital medication management. Clients receive safer and more effective medical care, while nursing staff is relieved and can focus on the essential aspects of their work.

Digital medication management with myneva

Do you have any questions about myneva's e-health solutions? We will be happy to answer your questions. Book your consultation appointment now.

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