The announcement of the AI-supported, innovative app: a symbiosis of usability and data security

Antonio Del Negro, Chief Product Officer, myneva Group


In the world of care, technology has the potential to improve the lives of caregivers and those in need of care alike. However, as innovation progresses , it is vital that we ensure that the digital revolution, particularly in the AI space, does not come at the expense of data security and privacy. As Chief Product Officer at myneva, I am delighted to announce the genesis of our latest development: Our AI-powered mobile app,, which enables care documentation and the recording of vital signs through voice.

The idea for our app arose from a clear need in the care sector. Time is a crucial factor in care. Documentation and administrative tasks in particular often take up 20-30 percent of valuable time. Caregivers feel torn between the direct care of clients and documentation. We knew there had to be a better solution - one that would allow caregivers to focus on the essentials: the care and well-being of those in need of care.

 When developing our app, our engineering teams focussed on two principles: usability and data security.



The primary goal was to create more time for caregivers and to minimise the administrative workload. To achieve this, we put our most talented designers to work on the concept of the new care app in order to optimise the UI and UX as much as possible. By using our private AI language model, the solution was taken to a whole new level. Caregivers can now use state-of-the-art AI technologies to carry out care documentation using pure speech. Everything that the AI has understood is visualised again by the app and can be confirmed by the caregiver.



Data security

myneva has designed with the protection of sensitive health data as a top priority . We have therefore implemented strict security protocols to ensure that our users' data is protected at all times. All data is encrypted and stored securely both on the user's device and in the cloud. We use the latest technologies and procedures to ensure that there is no unauthorised access to our users' data . In addition, another key aspect is data sovereignty. One of our principles is the user's control over the use of their data .

Our app has been designed to be not only secure but also reliable. We have implemented strict quality controls to ensure that the data collected is accurate and complete.



The development of our app was a cross-team process that required months of work and dedication. From our mobile developers to our designers to our AI and privacy experts - everyone played their part to ensure our app met the highest standards in terms of security, usability and performance.

We are firmly convinced that this app will optimise workflows in care facilities and services throughout Europe while ensuring the security and integrity of the data of those in need of care. We are convinced that the AI models should be part of the original software platform so that the models can be optimally trained and integrated for the specific areas of application.

It is important for myneva to make a further contribution to improving care , and will also develop innovative AI-supported solutions that improve the lives of caregivers and those in need of care alike.

See the power of the app for yourself at our booth at the Altenpflege 2024 in Essen.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!


AntoniodelNegro-myneva-CPOAntonio Del Negro is Chief Product Officer at the myneva Group. With extensive experience in process management and enterprise cloud architectures, he brings valuable expertise to the organisation. His goal is to develop innovative software solutions to make day-to-day care more transparent and user-friendly. 

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