9 ways caregivers can save 1 hour per shift

Discover how the myneva.care app is revolutionizing the daily care routine. In an industry facing a shortage of skilled workers and increasing administrative workload, our innovative solution offers digital support to relieve caregivers of routine tasks and give them more time for direct care.


The challenges in geriatric care are manifold: increasing demand combined with a shortage of labor and the daily time pressure caused by administrative tasks such as documentation and planning. But what if care staff could gain back one hour per shift?

With smart, AI-supported software solutions, this is exactly what is possible. Functions such as speech recognition, automated data entry and digital document management optimize everyday care and give back valuable time - for what really counts: caring for your clients.

Find out in our checklist "9 ways care staff can save 1 hour per shift" how innovative tools can relieve your organization, increase efficiency and improve the quality of care at the same time.

Download the checklist and find out how the myneva.care app can help you make the care process more efficient and increase the quality of care!

Download checklist here for free!